Sunday, August 6, 2017

Book Review - Illusional Reality by Karina Kantas

Becky, a marketing executive, thought she was being mugged. Instead she was pulled to an alternate dimension, and told that she was the long-lost princess Thya, and now needed to wed the son of a tyrant warlord to broker a peace treaty.

While Becky's reality spins out of control, going against everything she ever knew, she also begins to feel a kinship, and love for her new home, and its inhabitants, the Tsinians.

A star-crossed love, and impending war complicate her decisions. Can headstrong Becky/Thya bring peace to her new land, without defying her convictions?

I liked the idea of this book, but some editing errors made it difficult to read in some places. There is a fair amount of head-hopping that I found jarring as well.

The ending really threw me for a loop. I guess it was meant to set up for a potential sequel. I won't give away any spoilers.

As villains, Darthorn and Kovar are well presented, and irredeemable. As a reader, I couldn't wait for them to get their comeuppance.

I felt the pacing was a bit slow at points as well.

I rate this book 3.5 out of 5 stars.
